Searching for shingles vaccination at 50? You have come to the right place! According to CDC, 1 in 3 people in the United States develop shingles in their lifetime. Around 1 million people are diagnosed with shingles every year in the US. But what is shingles? Here is all you need to know about it.
What are Shingles?
Singles, also known as herpes zoster, is caused by varicella-zoster virus (VZV). It is a viral infection that causes painful rash anywhere on the body. The rash generally looks like blotches on the skin that appear either on the left or right side of the body.
As you get older, there is a greater risk of you getting shingles. People at the age of 50 or above are most likely to develop the infection. However, young adults and children can also get shingles. Hence, we must abide by the shingles immunization guidelines.
Are Shingles Chickenpox Related?
You cannot get shingles unless you have had chickenpox at least once in your life. The virus that causes chickenpox called varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is also the cause of shingles. The virus does not leave a patient’s body once he or she has had chickenpox. The same virus can later in life develop shingles by reactivating.
Shingles Vaccine Recommendations
Shingles is not a life-threatening illness. It lasts 7-10 days with scars fully disappearing within 2-4 weeks. Yet it can be extremely painful. As stated earlier, people older than 50 are more likely to develop shingles. Here are the vaccination guidelines:
Shingles Shot for Adults Over 50
Two doses of vaccine are recommended for adults over the age of 50. The second dose can be delivered 2-6 months after the first one, depending on the patient’s condition. The vaccine called Shingrix is most commonly used in all of the United States. Vaccine for shingles in midlife will provide you at least 7 years of high immunity. Shingrix has a 97% effectiveness rate in adults between the ages of 50 and 69. The rate drops to 91% above the age of 70.
Shingles Vaccination for Young Adults
Shingles are more likely to develop in people with a weak immune system. Hence if you are an adult over the age of 19 with weak immunity, you should also get two doses of the vaccine with a gap of 1-2 months.
Preventing Shingles
You may be wondering, is Shingles prevention at age 50 possible? According to statistics, more than 99% of Americans born before 1980 have had chickenpox in their lifetime. Hence the chances of the virus developing in people above the age of 50 are highly likely. Vaccination is the only way to prevent shingles.
Getting vaccinated for shingles at the age of 50 can significantly reduce the risk of this painful condition and its complications. It also acts as a valuable preventive measure for a healthier future. If you know any elderly person who might be suffering from this disease and needs extra care, feel free to contact us today!